Emily Anne Barnett is a 5th generation Californian and resident. Born in Fremont, California she now lives and works in Long Beach, California. She is currently a MFA printmaking candidate at California State University, Long Beach. Ms Barnett received her BA in Art, with a focus in studio art - printmaking from Humboldt State University in 2014. Barnett also received a minor in art history.
Artist Statement and CV are available upon request.
emily [@] emilyannebar.net
artist website
emilyannebar.net is the personal website for Emily Anne Barnett. The main use is landing page to important links and a cloud storage system for her graduate study and work needs.
Emily Anne Barnett is not just a chronic college student but an Artist Printmaker.
Copyright Emily Anne Barnett 2015
(Minus the peanuts comic panels)